Thursday, October 18, 2012


We finished! Leo and I made it up Springer Mt. just before noon on the 16th. The last couple days we enjoyed gorgeous weather, some of the warmest days in weeks, and extra early foliage in northern GA. It was crystal clear on Springer and we were joined by Duda and Phil (AKA Pink Panther and Crooked Sticks), and Leo's parents made it up too.  I think Leo and I were SOBO numbers 6 and 7 based off the register. We met up with Patch for a celebratory feast at Longhorn Steakhouse, then Leo and I parted ways. Patch and I are hangin at her family's cabin on Lake Wylie in South Carolina to decompress, while Leo is heading north back home. It's been an amazing trek hiking with Leo all summer, and congratulations to all three of those guys on their first thru-hike. Something tells me the adventures won't stop at Springer. I still don't have the computer handy to upload pictures until next week, but just wanted to let everyone know that the journey has come to a close!
